Sunraysia Arts & Learning provides flexible and responsive services and programs with an emphasis on high quality learning and teaching.
We offer weekly and one-off arts and learning programs and workshops, music therapy for groups and individuals, professional learning and consultancy. We research, write and publish customised resources for arts, education, health and community organisations supporting learning in your setting.
Areas of expertise include:
- Learning and wellbeing for children, young people and adults with disabilities and their families
- Learning in and through the performing arts for all ages
- Music therapy
- Special education and disability including autism.
- Early intervention
- Developing communication skills.
- Community arts
- Family learning
- Early childhood
- Music education
Sunraysia Arts & Learning staff are experienced, positive, warm, responsive and flexible community builders who love learning and teaching, and love people. Sunraysia Arts & Learning programs are inclusive, to ensure quality learning is available to everyone. We have deep experience in working in community settings, and in partnerships with arts, community, health, education, and disability organisations to provide equity of access.
Looking for more information? Contact us!